Yoga Fix 30 - Day 19 - Vinyasa Flow Hip Openers and Bird of Paradise
What scares you?
"Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that's the one that's going to require the most from you."
Thank you for reading my email!! Yay, you're still here!!! I'm overjoyed that you're feeding your yoga! Seriously, you're doing an amazing job of creating a healthy habit for your life. Keep up the great work!
Repeat today's affirmation at least 10 times. It's a powerful one...Louise Hay was such an amazing woman!! Here it is:
"I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy"
Additional "homework:" Take some time to daydream about a life beyond your wildest dreams...even if the idea of how to get there scares you. Focus on the awesomeness of your dream-life. Spending time there will help you to co-create it!
PS I'm leading some retreats this summer in Morocco and Greece as well as 2-day workshop in Amsterdam. Come and hang out with me in person. We'll have soooooo much fun! Plus you'll meet Duke and the boys...maybe you'll even decide to be in a video with me! Click here for more info and to register (scroll down for Amsterdam, Greece and Morocco).