Hi MyYogaPal Community,
April, if you are a resident of the US, is a busy month. We have our tax day in the middle of the month, and there are also the Spring Break holidays plus the daylight savings time change which is when our clocks “spring” forward and we lose an hour’s worth of sleep (as I see it).
We’re near the end of April, and the “Connectivity” theme for our blog didn’t take off so well, but I still believe we are all deeply connected.
How can I say that?
It takes a lot of love to stay connected. There are many ways to interpret this. I’ll approach it from the perspective of when I’ve experienced the lowest low in life. I mean, when I thought a situation was at its worst and that it couldn’t get any worse, so it can only get better.
Then I consider the suffering and losses of our fellow human beings in Ukraine. I imagine just one person, perhaps a woman, like me who has hopes and dreams - then one day the tides turn because of a war. From that day forward the future looks bleak. That woman, I imagine, can perhaps hope and pray, just as I hope and pray for the war to end. That prayer offered connects me to this imagined person who is actually real, because she can be anyone - a mother, a sister, an aunt, a teacher, a musician, a retail employee, a baker, a store owner, a woman on the bus, a tourist.
We hope. We pray. We dream.
We’re connected.
Here is one quote from Lesley’s collection of 50 Favorite Quotes.
So I found something more personal that Lesley shared on Instagram as it pertains to this favorite quote of hers. I am re-posting it here as a remembrance of Lesley and a reminder to be hopeful when times seems low. Never give up!
Mom emailed asking what we’ll be doing to fill our days. ✨Great question!✨
About 2 weeks ago, we were given notice that our landlord decided to sell. We’ve lived there since 2008.
Luckily, we found a new apartment quickly! Duke was very excited to start moving immediately. Indy (2nd pic here) is 15 and strong. Very helpful moving the heavy furniture. Stone is 13 now and he helped (a little bit) too.😉
Yesterday I packed up the last of our stuff. There’s just some cleaning left to do.👏
I’ll be busy unpacking, cleaning and organizing for a while. There are lots of built-in drawers and cupboards to fix at our new place. I’ve done a few. Pic 3 is “before” & pic 4 is “after.” (Hopefully I put those pics in the correct order😂).
I’ll also be working on a new “de-stress and relax” program for MyYogaPal.🥰
Lowering your stress and keeping a positive mindset is more important than ever to keep your immune system strong.💪💕This week’s free #hathayoga class on YouTube is a great way to do that as well! You can find it on our Fightmaster Yoga channel.💕 ✨ What will you be doing with your time while #socialdistancing?✨
💖Stay healthy, relaxed and safe, my friend!💖