"The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything you want, you already are." ― Rumi
Hello ✌️❤️
This April we are honoring our connectedness to the drumbeat of the universe. Our surrender in March opens to growing our awareness to being connected to the heart of you, and to the heart of those you touch, and the hearts of those who touch you.
Our first blog is from Erin Donovan. She’s got a website called Feel Good Yoga & Meditation. There’s a page dedicated to Fightmaster Yoga Blog. She practices this connectedness by honoring Lesley with the word of “teacher”. One layer of our connection to each other is the teachings of Lesley. She imparted her love and knowledge & experience of yoga to all of us, and we continue to practice with her videos.
Now, we are spreading our wings and nurturing our need to be a thriving Fightmaster My Yoga Pal community. We can practice yoga with Duke & Indy with their live streaming classes on YouTube. Then there are the exclusive MyYogaPal classes - and we also have this forum, the blog, to expand our connectedness with our stories.
Without further ado, we present Erin’s blog.
Backpack Meditation
by Erin Donovan
In our tree of life, I believe connectedness is our roots. We need deep connections and support to thrive. Whether it be our partners, families, pets, friends, teachers, mentors, or mother nature, connection helps us feel like we belong. When we feel like we belong, we find purpose and meaning in our lives.
Years ago, I struggled to find a place where I felt like I belonged. I struggled to make meaningful friendships. I had one dead-end relationship after another with emotionally unavailable men. I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and lacked meaningful connections outside of my family. I was a people pleaser who never took the time to think about my own needs.
Finally, one Sunday morning after a long-drawn-out pity party the night before, I went to a Yoga class. I adored this teacher and had taken his class many times. He must have seen my despair because after I unrolled my mat and got settled, he said, "I'm teaching a new meditation today, and I am recommending you all practice this for 30 days straight to help you feel more connected to the love of the Universe. This will change your life." He taught us a Kundalini meditation called a 'backpack meditation.' A backpack meditation is meant to be taken with you wherever you go so you can utilize it anytime you need it.
We practiced this backpack meditation at both the beginning and the end of class that day. Within a few moments, I felt calmer and definitely more connected than I could have ever imagined. That simple, straightforward meditation became a turning point for me and I have been practicing meditation ever since. For me, meditation is how I connect to myself, the wisdom of the Universe, and others. Through all the ebbs and flows in my life, my meditation practice has been the one thing that is non-negotiable. When I experienced a debilitating depression, this meditation helped me remember that even though things were so scary and out of my control, I was worthy of healing and that the darkness I was feeling was temporary. I have learned through the years that if my mind is not clear, and I am not connected. If I'm not connected, I can't function how I want to, which is to show up in this world as a source of love, light, and hope.
Learning this simple technique
Sit up tall (I like to sit on a blanket) and place your hands in jnana mudra, with your thumb and pointer finger lightly together with your hands placed in your lap. You breathe in 4 strokes through your nose and out of your nose for one stroke. To begin, I recommend trying just a few breaths. As you become comfortable with it, you can add on as many as you feel you need. The great thing about this is that it can be done anywhere, any time you need it.