Ode to Mother
Hi MyYogaPal Community,
Today is May 25th, and it is my mother’s birthday. I wanted to honor her with a short poem.
There are no words to describe my feelings for Mom, because it’s more than love. It’s a mystery and a riddle and a feeling that words cannot describe. When I think about her and really sit with my thoughts and feelings I want to cry and laugh. I have memories of just wanting to melt into her skin. The smell of her perfume on her clothes, her hair, her skin - all these surround me and fill me with her. It’s crazy, because I seem to be in love with Mom. So be it then, if that’s the closest I can describe in words what I feel for her. But then it morphs, and so my feelings change to admiration because I know of her sacrifices and the beauty she showers upon everything. How blessed I am to have my Mom.
Ode to My Mother
She turned 91 today
What will become of her
Mind her
Body her
My Mother
she & her & my are distant pronouns
I only want to be one with mother
in the womb of her heart
I can’t get close enough that it hurts and always will
what will become of me?
Mom is 91 now
Fe Celeste Revilla. She’s a mom to other moms too, like our dog Rio. Mom knew instinctively that Rio gave birth to a litter of pups behind the house and she helped Rio with the puppies.