Yoga Fix 30 - Day 22 - Vinyasa Flow for arms, back and balance
Life is but a dream
"Our truest life is when we are in dreams, awake"
-Henry David Thoreau
I'm so glad you opened my message today. Are you dreaming right now? Are you awake? Are you woke? How do you know for sure? Sometimes I wonder about know, in those times when I'm feeling super Seriously though. How do we really know for sure what is real. How much power do we have to shape our reality and to make our life into a living dream? I believe that we have a lot more power to co-create our lives than most of us know. Do you? Test it out and see!!
Practice your daily affirmation to help create your dream life:
"I know that Life always supports me."
Additional "homework:" I know that you wrote in your journal about things you want to accomplish however, give it another go today. The written word is powerful and visualizing is as well. Write down your interpretation of your dream life. Be as specific as you possible can and write it in the present tense as if it's already happening. Trust that what you're visualizing already exists for if it's in your personal escrow account. Keep your attitude of gratitude and find plenty of things to be thankful for today and every day. Write a gratitude list of at least 2 things a day. Dream your life and live your dreams.
PS Visualize yourself with me on a retreat or workshop!! I'll do the same because I'd love to see you!! Check out where I'll be here.