Morning Light & Renewal

Hi Fightmaster Yoga / MyYogaPal Community,

It feels good to post a new blog for September with our theme of “Renewal”. When I reached out to Erin for an idea for September’s theme she had just been pondering the sunrise she had witnessed. It was beyond witnessing the rise of a new day, because she has a daily ritual of rising with the sun with a purpose.

The journey of each day begins with an intention to start fresh. What a graceful reminder that we need not cling to our shortcomings of yesterday, but to do better with the gift of a new day - the present. I have already gleaned much wisdom in reading what Erin shares here. I have deep respect for her openness and gratitude.

Morning Light & Renewal

by Erin Donovan

"Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order."― Anne Wilson Schaef.

If you've ever seen a piece of Japanese pottery that has broken, you may notice something very intentional about how it is repaired; with gold. The method is called "Kintsugi," which means 'the beauty of imperfections." This is a metaphor for embracing your flaws and imperfections instead of trying to hide them. 

I love this idea because it translates so well to what Lesley, and now to what Duke also says, "you don't have to be perfect." So often, even when we get on our mat, we may feel pressured to "be" a certain way, to move a certain way, or look a certain way. In reality, though we all have a body, each one of us is entirely different. Over time, I have learned that this is something to celebrate. 

I am a recovering perfectionist. I've been that way for as long as I can remember. People often laugh when I say that, but sadly, it's true. When I began therapy at 16, these behaviors were brought to life before me. I'll be honest - it's not something that's gone away entirely. It's something I constantly work on all these years later. When I'm stressed, the perfectionistic beast begins to come forward to try to take over and "fix" things. She can be exhausting. But still, I work on it because I've learned a few things about perfectionism along the healing journey. 

Perfectionism is about control. Wanting things to be a specific way in order to feel safe, seen, or heard. However, no matter how hard we try, even when all the stars align and a situation works out exactly how we want, we may still feel inadequate. Why? Because perfectionism is an impossible goal. There will always be something else it's longing to reach for. I've often compared it to a jaded rainbow. You can't see the beginning, and you can't see the end, but it's there.  

When life feels like it's spinning out of control, it can be so challenging, but there are ways to lovingly recenter yourself in a matter of minutes if you allow yourself to. This is the reason why I love watching the sun rise each morning. As I do, I begin to feel the light enter around me. A new day. A fresh start. A clean slate

This daily ritual is essential for my mental health because it gives me permission to begin again. I repeat the mantra, "Peace begins with me," as I tap my thumb to each finger. I breathe deeply in through my nose and out through my mouth with an audible sigh. I think of it as a renewal for my mind and soul. I remind myself that today my best is good enough. Over time and with consistent practice, I have learned that I need to balance myself at the beginning of the day so that I can move forward without taking the baggage from yesterday with me. It's not always easy, but I try my best, and that is always enough. 

A Twenty-one Minute Sunrise Morning Vinyasa at the Beach


Journey of Transformation


Time & The Mindfulness