Change Is Inevitable
Hi MyYogaPal Community!
We’re moving towards longer and longer days of the year in the northern hemisphere. The sun rays are reaching out and casting long shadows on everything it is illuminating. Soon enough we will peak to the longest day of the year, June 21st, then we shift to shorter days for the following six months.
We don’t have to make much effort at all as the changes prevail and so here is a beautiful reminder to go with the flow…
Change is Inevitable
by Erin Donovan
It's that time again. Summer is almost here. Schools are almost finished for the year. Some are moving to their next grade in elementary, middle, or high school. Some are moving on to college, (Congratulations, Indy!) grad school, or a full-time job. Change is inevitable. It happens even when you're not looking.
One thing that I love about this time of the year, other than the longer days, is the slowness of the mornings. I love to sit in my sunroom and watch the sunrise as I meditate and drink coffee. Yes, most days, I do them at the same time. I love a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning. =)
Stopping to appreciate these little moments in my life helps me to remember that there is always a peacefulness within me, even when I get myself too busy when I'm off my mat to stop and notice it. It's easy to forget sometimes. Thankfully, we have our practices, whether yoga and meditation or just mediation, while enjoying a coffee to remember.
Change is going to happen whether we're ready for it or not. Fighting it will only create more stress, and denying it will cause way more issues for you in the long run.
So, when change is happening, what do we do? I don't have the answer for you, but I'll share what I do. I pray. When I'm scared, stressed, unsure, overwhelmed, frustrated, or want to bury my head in the sand, I pray. I say, "Universe, I need a miracle. I surrender and will get out of the way. Please lead me to the next step." Then, I get out of the way and let go of things on "my time." I trust that whatever comes to me is what is meant to be happening. It's not always easy.
Change is hard. Most times, it's going to be hard at first, but when you get used to embracing the idea of change, it's no longer scary. After a lot of practice, now I don't fear change. I fear things not changing because if there is no change, there is no growth, and I don't know about you, but I always want to grow and be better today than I was yesterday, and tomorrow, I want to be even better than today. That only happens because of change, big and small.
I loved Analyn's blog about "Go with the flow". Try it, then try to shift your perception of change. What are you facing? Can you look at it as an opportunity to grow instead of fear? I said it's not always easy, but I believe it's worth it.
All the best,
Indy and Duke doing the Sun Salutation Flow - Moving with the Changes