Surrender Is Not Giving Up
We’ve made it to March. Thank you to all bloggers for contributing on the topic of love…and thank you to readers also. We encourage you to please comment on the blogs.
Our topic for March is about surrender and what it means in relation to your yoga practice or what is your relationship to your practice?
As we move from winter to spring with the days becoming longer, we are witnesses to how gracefully nature surrenders over and over. To every thing there is a season, A time for every purpose under the heaven." - Ecclesisastes 3
Surrender is Not Giving Up - by Erin Donovan
When you think you've surrendered, surrender more.
-Gabby Bernstein
One of my teachers, Gabby, said it all the time. I find it to be such a difficult lesson. When something's not going right, I have such a hard time letting go, surrendering, and trusting in the universe that it will unfold the way it's meant to unfold. So often in life, we want to fix things or make things happen how we think it needs to happen. Us attempting to control the outcome doesn't typically work out well for us. Usually, it leaves us stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed.
One thing that I have learned is that lessons will keep showing up over and over and over in different ways until you learn what you're supposed to from them. Sometimes, the only way through a problem is to truly surrender your power and trust that the universe will take care of whatever it is. I'm not saying this is easy. In fact, I think it's very, very hard. Remembering that the universe has a plan which most times, is better than ours, takes repetitive practice to learn. Like anything in life, the more we practice, the better we become at it. Surrendering Is not giving up, it's letting go of the control for things to unfold how they're meant to, not how we want them to be. The best thing that we can do to save ourselves stress, is to get out of the way.
Lesley Fightmaster has wonderful video about “accepting what is”…and “surrender is about joining the winning side”.
Lesley’s mat has the words “I am unique. I am beautiful.” Surrender to truth of being unique and beautiful!