Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series with Jessica Kass and Lesley Fightmaster
Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series with Jessica Kass and Lesley FIghtmaster. This class has been requested by a lot of people and we hope that you like it. It's not intended for beginners. This class was made for intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners who want to practice a led Ashtanga Class in their own home. The method is based on the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois where the Vinyasas are counted in Sanskrit and the names of the poses are also in Sanskrit. The breath count is included as well but there isn't much instruction on how to practice the poses as this practice is meant to be a moving meditation without many distractions. If you're newer to Ashtanga, please start with either the 30-minute: or the 60-minute practice: